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As most other programmers I am also a vim fan. I Came across this nice trick with vim. May you find it interesting.
As most other programmers I am also a vim fan. I Came across this nice trick with vim. May you find it interesting.
Posted by Raju at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Today's afternoon snacks witnessed a hot debate.
Yester-night at 2 P.M. while I was running for a (mental) shelter, At patni circle, some by-stander asked me a ride. I stopped with the intension that I can tend him a favor and simultaneously get the comfort of having a company. But the things turned awkward for me when the stranger(a Man, not lady !) made lewd expressions and whistled to make his intent clear to me ... :(
It all happened when My head was reeling, my body severing due to severe acidity and I was dragging my body with the feel of vomiting at any moment...
[...to be concluded.]
Posted by Raju at 7:39 AM 0 comments
I am done with experimenting with this new system.
Always I used to search some tips or tricks in programming
I think it is now time to give:
This is the best I can start with [If you are not a computer engg. don't curse me :) ]
nm -o -S <fileName> // show size and file_name for each symbol
#note:< -Wl, option > pair
gcc -m32 -o simv -Wl,-M -Wl,-E -Wl,--cref -Wl,-rpath ...#LD crossref/map file
ld -Dhelp
ldd vim_athena_superfast # lists load/dll dependencies of executable
ps -Uprasadr | cut -d' ' -f 1 #all process with 5digit Pids:: cut displays 1st field of ' ' delimmited input
sort -k 2,3 //sort based on 2nd field (key starts from 2nd col : ends with 3rd col)
ls | gvim - //gvim reading from stdin(PIPE)
ps -u rbadapanda //show only my processes
gzip -d %1 #un-gz *.gz files
bzcat -s v6.3.tar.bz2 >vim.tar #un-bz2 file
bunzip2 -c v6.3.tar.bz2 | tar -xf - #un-bz2 file
tar xzvf tree-1.5.0.tgz #un- tar-file compressed with 'gzip' (GNU zip)
zcat ../unp.tar.Z | tar xvf - #.Z file
tar cvf <dir name> embeds absolute path of files/sub_dirs in the .tar
tar cvf `find <dir name>` takes relative paths of files/sub_dirs
man ioctl | col -b > ioctl.txt # man-> text_file
setenv DISPLAY termserv3:139.0
to compile downloaded vim63
1. configure --enable-cscope --enable-perlinterp --enable-gui=athena
2. sed -n '/prefix.* =/p' ~/junk/vim63/src/Makefile
should be made:
prefix = $(HOME) #to create gvim,and etc... in $(HOME)/bin
3. make install
lynx -dump ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.0.tar.bz2>| vim-7.0.tar.bz2
echo {file1,file2}\ :{\ A," B",' C'} #file1 : A file1 : B file1 : C file2 : A file2 : B file2 : C
#######floating point in bash scripts#############
Bash itself cannot support floating point numbers, but there is a program called bc that can do decimal arithmetic.
here's the basic syntax
answer=$(echo "scale=9; $x *1.423" | bc)
The scale value is the number of decimal spaces you want. I'm still not sure if you can initialize a variable to a decimal number, but I got my stuff working.
^? (DEL) delete character
^C (intr) break or interrupt
^D (eof) exit an open file, program, application, or shell
^H (erase) backspace
^M (CR) carriage return or linefeed
^Q (start) start output
^S (stop) stop output
^W (werase) word erase
^Z (sysp) suspend process
M-y : <ESC> y , C-y: <CTRL> y
C-d Delete the character underneath the cursor.
C-_ or C-x C-u Undo the last editing command. You can undo all the way back to an empty line.
C-a Move to the start of the line.
C-e Move to the end of the line.
M-f Move forward a word, where a word is composed of letters and digits.
M-b Move backward a word.
C-l Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top.
C-k Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
M-d Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or, if between words, to the end of the next word. Word boundaries are the same as those used by M-f.
M-DEL Kill from the cursor the start of the current word, or, if between words, to the start of the previous word. Word boundaries are the same as those used by M-b.
C-w Kill from the cursor to the previous whitespace. This is different than M-DEL because the word boundaries differ.
C-y Yank the most recently killed text back into the buffer at the cursor.
M-y Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. You can only do this if the prior command is C-y or M-y.
M-p bring previous commands which match cmdline
Posted by Raju at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Just getting the feel of the system.
Huh! it too worked !!
Posted by Raju at 8:43 AM 0 comments
And Finally, I am writing my first blog.
I should say, it is my experiment with the writer in me.
let me see what is in store for me!!
Posted by Raju at 8:35 AM 0 comments
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